Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) calling party associated with the Global TV's animated movie 'Naruto'. As published through the Internet site KPI, this step is implemented as a follow-up reports from people who go to state institutions are independent.
Through the website, KPI also inform you that this institution has to send investigation team to Semarang, Central Java, to find out the cause of death Revino Siahaya, children aged 10 years, that a suicide due to imitate the style in the film Naruto card.
Based on the results of the investigation of the obligation, indeed itdak have indications of the influence of the film against the death Revino. But according to the KPI this case cause of public unrest akan sinyalemen Naruto animated movie that has bad influence on children's behavior.
Naruto is the case of the long notes ihwah film television animation cartoon protests that get people. We certainly still remember, some time back the animated movies and cartoons Sinchan Doraemon, get a lot of critic

Sinchan in serialnya show some behavior that menjurus toward pornography. While the film animation cartoon Doraemon highlighted because many leaders spoil Nobita with things that are IM. Nobita cause this figure to be her children lazy and less independent, Doraemon always rely on in solving problems faced by each. Behavior of the two cartoon characters, and feared the parents can give a negative influence for the development of children.
Naruto on the back, basically this film is quite interesting. Tells about the adventures of a kid from the village named Konoha ninja. Film animation cartoon featured a different form of ninja in general. Figures in the story of Naruto ninja appear more open, fashionable, separated from the mainstream classical ninja figures are likely to face berpenutup and mysterious. Similarly weapons. If you rely on many classic ninja skill to play in the moment samurai, spear guns and confidential, so Naruto and his friends described more powerful than that. They no longer depend on the weapon because konfensional have kesaktian extraordinary.
By using modern technical animation, science-science that are displayed appear to be great, dramatic, and heroic. Reasonable if preferred by many children. But, on the other hand, must be recognized, as long as this film is not always separated from the scene of violence. Activists who do not rarely culminate in the murder, is always the option in solving each problem, as the core of the story. Not excessive when the parents become worried.
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