Friday, July 31, 2009
Top Five Animated Disney Movies Of All Time
Disney classics that have inspired us for the imagination of the younger generation. As children we want to grow with the desire and dream the dreams that makes Disney so magical. Captivated film that enticed us and our imagination. When I was a little girl I dreamed of becoming a princess. That is what makes this film is very unique. They encourage us to create a dream and we believe we can do anything. It is so hard to pick favorites among the hundreds in the Disney library. Somehow I have managed to select the Top 5 Disney Animated Movies of all time. They are as follows:
1. The Lion King. This film is a true fantastic animated display. Color and African wildlife pictures are very beautiful. Music was also a new standard for animation. Sir Elton John has worked with Tim Rice. Music into something more than children's lullabies, but masterpieces. The Lion King is also one of the animation for the hit Broadway in New York City. Image of its captivating baroque music, classical remains eternal.
2. Beauty sleep is one of the first animated feature produced by Walt Disney. The story is based on the favorite Grimm tale. So, if the success is sent to the big screen is coming. The girls watch glorified as king saved the day. And every little girl is expected they will be rescued by prince charming. Being a first Disney classic, Sleeping Beauty has a lot of recognition. Disney has succeeded in improving the magic, the merchandise for children. So, every little girl can be the Princess Aurora. The creation of the classic Sleeping Beauty is that which will be timeless.
3. The Little Mermaid the other named film made by Disney. This classic story follows the mermaid, who want to live with humans. It was a great representation of something more than usual. Pictures and a revolutionary song, at the time of its release. To this day, this film is still loved by all.
4. Beauty and the Beast is the first animation has been nominated for the Academy Awards. After the release of Beauty and the Beast, the Academy Awards is dedicated specifically for the animated film category. Beauty and the Beast captivated audiences with the intense art and interesting stories. Music in this paper is more than a child's sing-along. Music is a Broadway classic. Disney magic is taken in the form of a coil, when they do the production.
5. Cinderella is a tale told by the most popular Disney. Cinderella is a symbol of what the Walt Disney Studios. What makes the park so popular. This film is so magical. Palace is a symbol and trademark of the company. He is what makes children want to visit Disneyland and Disney World. Movies that made an impression was made through the last two sequels. There are no other words to describe the Cinderella, but without the time-classic.
The stories are loved by all, and their reasons. Walt Disney could never imagine how much impact to the film. This film is the reason for the success of multimillion-dollar company. Film is still treasured to this day. Do you see the film?
Top 20 Animation Movies
Are in the animation industry, this is my interest to keep abreast of the animated feature film to take advantage of the box office. Today I run a list of top 20 highest grossing animated film of that is:
1. Shrek 2 (3D) - $ 436,471,036
2. Finding Nemo (3D) - 339,714,978
3. The Lion King (2D) - 328,539,505
4. Shrek the Third (3D) - $ 322,719,944
5. Shrek (3D) - 267,665,011
6. The Incredibles (3D) - 261,657,004
7. Monsters, Inc. (3D) - 255,870,172
8. Toy Story 2 (3D) - $ 245,852,179
9. Cars (3D) - $ 244,082,982
10. Aladdin (2D) - 217,350,219
11. Ratatouille (3D) - $ 206,445,654
12. Happy Feet (3D) - $ 198,000,317
13. Ice Age: Meltdown (3D) - $ 195,330,621
14. Madagascar (3D) - $ 193,595,521
15. Toy Story (3D) - $ 191,780,865
16. The Simpsons Movie (2D) - $ 183,135,014
17. The Polar Express (3D) - $ 179,100,434
18. Ice age (3D) - 176,387,405
19. Beauty and the Beast (2D) - $ 171,350,553
20. Tarzan (2D) - $ 171,091,819
Animated films listed above is an animation film that many people liked from various ages, especially children.
The Japanese Animation Movies
Japan is a country that is very beautiful and prosperous, and in the film created a lot of Japanese animation. Since the creation of the animated Japanese film, the world has learned to fall in love with them and because there are many in Japan, you will see that people get used to reading subtitles and still enjoy watching this film. Film animation in Japan started in 1917, and since has been active for more than just make a movie but animated cartoon series.
Some of the Japanese animated film will be suitable for young children, but since the majority of the developing adult audiences start watching the film a more mature and more mature with a few scenes that are not the children can watch. But they also began to create more family-oriented film that the whole family and not just children or adults can watch.
Because of the animated film that is easier for the creator of the animated Japanese film to be creative and go all out with art and pictures. You can find the film a very imaginative and full of fantasy. It was easier to film director to make a story work because all the animation and stories from ancient Japan vampires and all beings that is easily created and made for entertaining film. Other key figures in Japanese animation and will be a samurai sword. Many feature films and samurai warriors funny thing is that they are warriors of the past in the future is actually quite interesting to watch.
Much like the animation and art works of Japanese calligraphy and Japanese painting also came in to make most of the quality of the animation style.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
FGD on D Day!
Ini adalah cuplikan foto-foto dari booth Gusto Sign di ajang FGD Expo 2009 yang baru dibuka hari ini dan akan terselenggara hingga hari Minggu nanti tanggal 2 Agustus 2009. Booth Gusto Sign pada FGD tahun ini adalah hasil kolaborasi kami dengan Vera Tarjono dengan mengambil tema besar Alice in Wonderland.
Untuk yang belum sempat hadir, kami sarankan segeralah menuju Jakarta Convention Centre. Karena ajang eksebisi yang konon merupakan ajang eksebisi industri grafika terbesar se Asia Tenggara ini hanya diadakan dua tahun sekali.
Jadi daripada menunggu lagi di tahun 2011, lebih baik datang lah tahun ini.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Koperasi Indonesia Vector Logo
Road to FGD Pt.2
Seperti yang sudah kami sempat beritahukan pada postingan lalu, bahwa kami akan mengikuti ajang eksebisi FGD yang akan dimulai besok, hari Kamis tanggal 30 Juli 2009 hingga hari Minggu tanggal 2 Agustus 2009 di Jakarta Convention Center.
Ajang FGD ini adalah eksebisi dua tahunan yang diselenggarakan oleh Forum Grafika Digital dan merupakan ajang pameran industri grafika terbesar di Indonesia dan juga di Asia Tenggara.
Persiapan untuk mengikuti FGD ini telah kami lakukan semenjak kurang lebih satu bulan yang lalu. Salah satunya dengan berkolaborasi dengan desainer Vera Tarjono dari Neuborn Media untuk mendesain booth Gusto Sign. Rancangan awalnya telah kami tampilkan pada postingan lalu.
Dan foto di bawah ini, adalah stand Gusto Sign yang tengah didirikan di venue. Ini baru dikerjakan sekitar 10 persen.
Penasaran akan seperti apa stand gusto nantinya akan bagaimana? Apakah kolaborasi Gusto dengan Vera Tarjono ini akan menghasilkan sebuah stand yang unik dan tidak biasa? Ditambah lagi, pada FGD kali ini Gusto juga berkolaborasi dengan seniman muda Evan dengan spesialisasinya yang kerap mendaur ulang berbagai jenis barang bekas menjadi sebuah karya seni. Dan pada kolaborasi ini, Evan mendaur ulang sampah-sampah akrilik yang biasa kami gunakan untuk dijadikan sebuah karya.
Jadi, segeralah datang di FGD 2009 mulai hari Kamis besok tanggal 30 Juli 2009 hingga hari Minggu tanggal 2 Juli 2009 di Jakarta Convention Center. Sampai jumpa disana ya!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Japanese Animation "Howl's Moving CASTILE "
The witch, a magic castle can move and stifle the war shown last week in the animated film Howl's Moving Castle works of Japanese director, Hayo Miyazaki (63), in the Venezia Film Festival to-61. Miyazaki dijuluki Walt Disney to its Japanese, as quoted from Reuters.
Successfully placed the film Miyazaki anime (Japanese animated film) on the entertainment map of the world through landing animated film, Spirited Away, which was a compliment in various festivals abroad and whip-winning best animated film Oscar in 2003.
Animated film Howl's Moving Castle is the first animated film to compete in major competition for 30 years in the Venezia festival. Kisahnya about a daughter, Sophie, who was changed into a woman aged 90 years old by witch. Sophie then seek assistance Howl-looking witch. He was seeking refuge in the castle Howl, which is always moving. Castle gate, this can open to four different world. Sophie pretend to be domestic servant, and making friends with the demons of fire and fault-finding tiny Howl assistant while he was trying to free themselves from self-condemnation witch. Finally Sophie love Howl at the release of both of them evil witch, bomb attacks and the war.
For sineasnya, the film also gives hope in the midst of a handful of the world threatened by war, violence and keputus-asaan economy. "In regard to the world that we now huni, have a message universalnya," said producer Toshio Suzuki on the playback of films at the Lido area, told Reuters news agency.
"When we memproduksinya, there is war in Iraq. We are in the economic situation is not very good in Japan. From young to old, everyone is very unhappy," said Suzuki through penerjemahnya.
Marco Muller, director of the festival, Venezia, call Howl's Moving Castle as the "anti-war statement that we received in this festival."
Movies Howl's Moving Castle is also the film's most dinanti in Japan after Spirited Away achieve extraordinary income total, U.S. $ 270 million.
Tight security imposed in the Venezia festival, especially against the pirate. Bag up the audience to review the possibility of a camera and computer in the event of the film Howl's Moving Castle at the Lido, where the film was the kritisi and the public.
Miyazaki could not attend because of health reasons, but this film is a gift for children in Japan and around the world. "Miyazaki loves children," said Suzuki, "He wanted to give a message to children that the world is worth the world inhabited and full of beauty and dijajaki can be found," he added.
Japanese Film Animation
Day is a holiday week. On Sunday next, Mr.
Hadi intend to invite
children to go to home
their parents. Parents Mr.
Hadi or grandmother and grandfather
second son live in
Tasikmalaya, a town
approximately 100 km from Bandung.
When Mr. Hadi meant to convey
the second son, they said,
"At how we leave, Sir?" Mr. Hadi said
that will leave the day at 06.00 am
to be able to go home day.
Both her son said that they can participate
if go to its after 10:00 am. The reason for
until 10:00 because there are some animation film
Japan not to be abandoned. Finally, the plan
to go to Tasikmalaya canceled.
Circumstances such as this not only happens in the family of Mr
Hadi, but also occurs in almost all the family
have any children.
Every Sunday starting at 06.00 am to
with 10:00, the children especially do not want
go from the front of the TV plane. During that time
in almost all the private TV station to show
various Japanese animated film title.
At this time, between a Japanese animated film
shown in the most
penggemarnya is, Kureyon Shin-chan and
Doraemon. Second animated film is not only preferred
by children but also by adults.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Animation Japanese Film
Are you japanese animation fan? For you fans of movie animation film, especially Japanese animation, recently found the virus in the animated film. Not intend to frighten or memprovokasikan-nakuti, but this is just only so that we become more vigilant.
A student is known to spread the animated film that could 'poison' the computer. He reputedly put a virus file in the animated film which is then distributed via the Internet illegally. Action student named Masato Nakatsuji that terendus by the security apparatus, he was arrested. Uniquely, he was not caught with the alleged spread of virus but copyright infringement.
As quoted from the BCS detikINET, Wednesday (21/5/2008), the virus that diselipkan Nakatsuji in the animated film is harada. Harada viruses including the most frequently found in the country is Sakura.
Japan is considered slow in the fight against internet crime cases. Only a few people arrested related to the spread of the virus. In some cases, including Nakatsuji, caught the virus because it is copyright infringement and not a cyber crime.
Current Obssesion
Fakultas Seni Rupa & Desain
Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Institut Teknologi Bandung
wow, applause, applause!
Jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual
Institut Teknologi Bandung
wow, applause, applause!
Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb
Halo-halo readeeeeeeeeeers (kayak ada yang baca aja)
Udah lama gak ngepost ya hehe, diperhatiin last posts gue tentang hubungan percintaan gue yang putus-nyambung-putus-nyambung mulu.
"Mari kita bangun hubungan yang lebih sehat, Pane!"
Ok, enough said.
Pertama-tama, gue mau ngucapin ucapan belasungkawa yang sedalam-dalamnya untuk korban-korban di Hotel J.W Marriot sama Ritz Carlton, gak lupa juga ucapan duka cita gue buat yang udah harap-harap cemas nungguin Manchaster United dateng eh gak taunya gak jadi, sabar ye, gak cuma lo doang kok yang sedih, Budi juga sedih gak jadi main bola ha..ha -_____-
Buat Lindry temen gue yang merugi gara-gara jadi calo tiket MU juga, sabar ya Ndi.
Oya, sekarang gue udah kelas XII looh, tahun terakhir dibangku sekolah (kalo lulus). Kelas gue sekarang di XII IPS 2, pisah sama Meymey, Lika, Fanny, Tania, Dea, Vinny dll huhu sedih deh.
Biasalah, menginjak kelas 12, anak-anak pada kisruh ngomongin bimbel dimana, ada yang masuk BTA 45 dengan motivasi biar dianggep gaul, masuk Inten katanya bocoran UAN nya kenceng, NF katanya ada cowok ganteng, SQ biar jadwal lesnya bisa 'semau gue', blablabla.
Sampe saat ini gue belum memutuskan untuk masuk bimbel manapun.
Sekarang udah -/+ 2 minggu masuk sekolah, disaat anak-anak lain sudah memantapkan hati dengan bimbel pilihannya dan mulai sibuk dengan segala kesibukan les-les-les nya tersebut, sedangkan gue? Masih jadi sasaran empuk mas-mas-tukang-promosi-bimbel yang masih ngejer target. Kemanakah hatiku akan berlabuh? Mas-mas-tukang-promosi-bimbel manakah yang akhirnya berhasil merebut hati yang sedang galau ini?
Sebenernya gue pengen masuk Bintang Merah, bimbel gambar gitu, buat yang pengen masuk FSRD. Tapi belom direstuin sama nyokap. Gimana dong, gue gak mau IPC, gue menolak mengambil FKUI (sombong). Hatiku sepenuhnya sudah milik FSRD ITB, kumohon kau mengerti mamah........
Eh lagi kepikiran buat ganti header, getting bored w/ the old one. Tapi komputer gue lagi diupgrade, jadinya gak bisa photoshop. Coming soon :D
Halo-halo readeeeeeeeeeers (kayak ada yang baca aja)
Udah lama gak ngepost ya hehe, diperhatiin last posts gue tentang hubungan percintaan gue yang putus-nyambung-putus-nyambung mulu.
"Mari kita bangun hubungan yang lebih sehat, Pane!"
Ok, enough said.
Pertama-tama, gue mau ngucapin ucapan belasungkawa yang sedalam-dalamnya untuk korban-korban di Hotel J.W Marriot sama Ritz Carlton, gak lupa juga ucapan duka cita gue buat yang udah harap-harap cemas nungguin Manchaster United dateng eh gak taunya gak jadi, sabar ye, gak cuma lo doang kok yang sedih, Budi juga sedih gak jadi main bola ha..ha -_____-
Buat Lindry temen gue yang merugi gara-gara jadi calo tiket MU juga, sabar ya Ndi.
Oya, sekarang gue udah kelas XII looh, tahun terakhir dibangku sekolah (kalo lulus). Kelas gue sekarang di XII IPS 2, pisah sama Meymey, Lika, Fanny, Tania, Dea, Vinny dll huhu sedih deh.
Biasalah, menginjak kelas 12, anak-anak pada kisruh ngomongin bimbel dimana, ada yang masuk BTA 45 dengan motivasi biar dianggep gaul, masuk Inten katanya bocoran UAN nya kenceng, NF katanya ada cowok ganteng, SQ biar jadwal lesnya bisa 'semau gue', blablabla.
Sampe saat ini gue belum memutuskan untuk masuk bimbel manapun.
Sekarang udah -/+ 2 minggu masuk sekolah, disaat anak-anak lain sudah memantapkan hati dengan bimbel pilihannya dan mulai sibuk dengan segala kesibukan les-les-les nya tersebut, sedangkan gue? Masih jadi sasaran empuk mas-mas-tukang-promosi-bimbel yang masih ngejer target. Kemanakah hatiku akan berlabuh? Mas-mas-tukang-promosi-bimbel manakah yang akhirnya berhasil merebut hati yang sedang galau ini?
Sebenernya gue pengen masuk Bintang Merah, bimbel gambar gitu, buat yang pengen masuk FSRD. Tapi belom direstuin sama nyokap. Gimana dong, gue gak mau IPC, gue menolak mengambil FKUI (sombong). Hatiku sepenuhnya sudah milik FSRD ITB, kumohon kau mengerti mamah........
Eh lagi kepikiran buat ganti header, getting bored w/ the old one. Tapi komputer gue lagi diupgrade, jadinya gak bisa photoshop. Coming soon :D
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Visit Japan Dubes And Animation
Who does not know doraemon movie? Most children surely know ftlm doraemon, Doraemon cat with a magic bag was chosen as Ambassador (Dubes) Japanese Culture Anime. Cats belong Nobita is constituted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Masahiko Komura, 19 March 2008 in Tokyo, Japan.
Tuesday (17 / 6), the cat has come to Indonesia for the salute to Kojiro Shiojori, Ambassador (Dubes) Japan to Indonesia. He accompanied the Doraemon Atase Cultural Embassy (Embassy) Japan, Yukari Kaji.
The Dubes Japanese Culture Anime convey, "I am very happy with my friends in Indonesia. I hope my friends in Indonesia akan like Japan. As a Cultural Ambassador of Japanese Animation, I want to introduce to friends in all of Japan"
Doraemon also hope, "Through-kartunku cartoons, I can convey to people outside of Japan is thought by the ordinary people in Japan, such as life Get what we like and what the future of our community who want to create the Japanese."
Doraemon animated movie that was from the comic essay Fujiko F Fujio. Surely you do watch and read. In Japan has been showing on TV since 38 years ago and liked the children and adults.
In Indonesia have been running 18 years in television station RCTI. Therefore according to Agus Simarmata, General Manager of PT Prime IMMG Indonesia, licensed Doraemon in Indonesia.
Yukari Kaji explains, many of the Japanese animated film, a popular animation experts, and pop culture of Japan, Doraemon recommend as "leaders" who are eligible to become dubes cultural animation.
Doraemon, the first cartoon ambassador who will introduce Japanese culture in the world soon in action at various events.
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